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Status Messages

WEST 16. tri-bayou-tary
7/25/020 1:24 PM

West 6: bridge over the bayou high
7/25/020 1:18 PM

West 9 thought he saw Shredder
7/25/020 1:16 PM

West 31. filthy fowl: offensive smelly
7/25/020 1:13 PM

West 13. Lilly on mile 30
7/25/020 1:09 PM

west 9. Donatello looking for pizza
7/25/020 1:08 PM

WEST 3. A wise one and Eric
7/25/020 1:00 PM

East: 1 Veronica s Lake
7/25/020 12:53 PM

7/25/20 12:47 PM
Those ski boots size 9.5 ?

7/25/20 12:46 PM
Love that moon landing photo!

26 called chokecherry for a reason WEST
7/25/020 12:43 PM

WEST 37. To infinity (s)and beyond
7/25/020 12:41 PM

29 free all the things WEST
7/25/020 12:39 PM

7/25/20 12:28 PM
Watermelon is the state vegetable of Oklahoma. We'll count it! Also, Freya is full teenager in that photo.

East: tomatillos
7/25/020 11:49 AM

East: watermelon
7/25/020 11:48 AM

East: squash spaghetti
7/25/020 11:48 AM

West 5: double ninja rainbow
7/25/020 11:42 AM

Retake 3: bird on a hot tin chimney
7/25/020 11:33 AM

West 24: a ninja reflects inward
7/25/020 11:28 AM

West 23: stealth learning
7/25/020 11:25 AM

Retake on 11
7/25/020 11:16 AM

Retake on 22
7/25/020 11:13 AM

Retake on 33
7/25/020 11:12 AM

East 24. We can call that a reflection
7/25/020 11:08 AM

East 3 that is like 14 birds. One point for each
7/25/020 10:27 AM

East 17. It popped right out of the wrapping
7/25/020 10:26 AM

East 6 - riveting!
7/25/020 10:05 AM

East 40 Echo can wear a mask. I think you can too.
7/25/020 9:46 AM

7/25/20 8:54 AM
Starting the lobby for a bonus point if you can append 'in a hurricane' to any of your photos.

East 13 - cycle where you will
7/25/020 7:58 AM

7/25/20 7:45 AM
Please indicate the item # and team name in your caption. Please and thank you.

7/25/20 7:43 AM
Mel-o-cream!!!!! Donuts!!!!

Some lady looked at me funny when I took this 40lb picture
7/25/020 7:38 AM

Dessert breakfast
7/25/020 7:35 AM

7/25/20 7:30 AM
Veronica gets a sunrise! East at it early this morning!

Too bad there is no bird in it or it would be a 2 for 1 for the East
7/25/020 7:20 AM

East is hanging with my man Abe
7/25/020 7:18 AM

East 3 - birds of a feather poop on my stoop
7/25/020 7:11 AM

East. Do not pay attention to how dirty the car is.
7/25/020 7:09 AM

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