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Status Messages

WEST 21: 40th President emptied this building out
7/25/020 8:27 PM

7/25/20 8:03 PM
a doctor who time machine. excellent!

West 14: calling nature
7/25/020 7:59 PM

7/25/20 7:58 PM
Hahaha... Myles!

Team Brorsen 37- lunar landing
7/25/020 7:52 PM

East 14 occupado
7/25/020 7:44 PM

East 9 - stoop turtle
7/25/020 7:40 PM

West 8: Tycho van Buren
7/25/020 7:31 PM

East 5 rainbow
7/25/020 7:28 PM

WEST 12 rock solid.
7/25/020 7:27 PM

East. 15, pileup
7/25/020 7:25 PM

East 28 wheelbarrow
7/25/020 7:23 PM

East: 13 bicyclist
7/25/020 7:22 PM

WEST 1 & 3: a lake. and birds
7/25/020 7:19 PM

East 24, kj
7/25/020 7:15 PM

7/25/020 7:14 PM

7/25/20 7:11 PM
$15Million for the Louisiana Territory. What a steal!

East: 20, reading outside
7/25/020 7:03 PM

East: 19. Missing tooth
7/25/020 7:02 PM

East: 24, bike scratches
7/25/020 6:50 PM

East : 36. Found the bug
7/25/020 6:48 PM

11 & 22 WEST hardwarestore birthday
7/25/020 6:47 PM

East 12 - St. Margaret Mary
7/25/020 6:39 PM

West 39: historical facts
7/25/020 6:30 PM

East: 2 a canoe
7/25/020 6:30 PM

West 15: pileup
7/25/020 6:29 PM

West 16: flowing your way
7/25/020 6:27 PM

West 4: motoring
7/25/020 6:26 PM

West 13: two tired
7/25/020 6:25 PM

7/25/20 6:23 PM
Don't we need to have team members in the pictures?

West 18 not staged messy boy and mad dad
7/25/020 6:20 PM

7/25/20 6:16 PM
from the TIL: you have the same birthday as Caddyshack, also
40 today.

7/25/20 6:02 PM
East with a huge jump in numbers here. I did not know that about Ronald Reagan or Jeff Gordon. Stories check out!

East 27. I scream for liquor!
7/25/020 5:51 PM

WEST 4: Easy Rider
7/25/020 5:45 PM

WEST 34: Bus, truck ... Same difference.
7/25/020 5:44 PM

East 35. Minnesota ridiculously nice up here
7/25/020 5:42 PM

East 39. Chicken gumbo. Gumbo. Louisiana. Louisiana Purchase. Free association
7/25/020 5:38 PM

East 21 I think we all saw this coming
7/25/020 5:34 PM

East 5. Raining all day but all I got was the rainbow warrior
7/25/020 5:31 PM

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