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Status Messages

rso's cell
12/25/020 0:58 AM

12/23/20 10:56 PM

Or the one from Grandma's
12/20/020 3:01 PM

So many good memories making these and getting them.
12/20/020 2:53 PM

Holiday painting memories
12/20/020 10:20 AM

rso's cell
12/19/20 10:42 PM

rso's cell
12/19/020 10:42 PM

rso's cell
12/19/20 10:42 PM

rso's cell
12/19/020 10:42 PM

That hairy nutcracker
12/19/020 6:16 PM

Squeeze my cheeks
12/18/020 10:41 PM

The year we worked from home.
12/18/020 10:41 PM

Handpainted Polish Nativity
12/17/020 6:46 PM

12/16/020 10:08 AM

12/13/020 2:49 PM

Whitey Lighteys.
12/12/020 8:20 PM

Oak Christmas tree, oak Christmas tree,
12/12/020 8:15 PM

Drive thru light display with Santa ,Vixen and brownies
12/12/020 7:29 PM

Joy to the lights
12/11/020 6:13 PM

Lighting up the night in SR
12/11/020 6:12 PM

Home sweet home
12/10/020 8:18 PM

My favorite: The gingerbreadhouse
12/10/020 8:17 PM

Big city, big lights with Natalia
12/10/020 6:25 PM

Intl Space Station 20 seconds Wednesday night
12/10/020 5:45 PM

Unicorn at the Goose Pond
12/10/020 9:43 AM

Probably smiling
12/10/020 8:28 AM

Light up the Night
12/10/020 0:56 AM

rso's cell
12/8/020 7:24 PM

Turkey and Cream Puffs, Say no more
11/29/20 1:02 PM

Turkey and Cream Puffs, Say no more
11/29/020 1:02 PM

Breakfast Favorite
11/29/020 10:30 AM

11/29/020 8:50 AM

I have wheat. No trade needed.
11/28/020 8:14 PM

Favorite Sunday Supper
11/28/020 4:36 PM

Fresh squeeze
11/27/020 7:13 PM

Tycho's Cupcakes II
11/27/020 1:46 AM

Favorite Pumpkin
11/26/020 9:34 PM

Tycho's Cupcakes
11/26/020 6:10 PM

Birth of a cinnamon roll
11/26/020 2:23 PM

rso's cell
11/26/20 7:38 AM

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